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Move Out Info

Posted almost 2 years ago  in Tarleton NewsParent & Family News.

All Residence Halls will close and hall access will end at 10:00 AM on Thursday, May 11, 2023. It is recommended that students checkout within 24 hours after their last final but at the latest by 10:00 AM on May 11th. If a student is needing to request a late stay past May 11th, they will need to contact their Residence Hall Director for approval by April 25, 2023. When checking out, the student must take all belongings from the space, dispose of trash in the outside trash receptacles, follow the remaining check out steps, and then go to the front desk of their Residence Hall to sign out of their Room Condition Sheet and return their key (if applicable). Failing to follow the checkout steps could result in charges for an improper checkout. For questions about checkout please reach out to your Residential Leader or Residence Hall Director!

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