Tarleton Texan Family;
We have enjoyed having your student on campus this last year. Spring 2022 is drawing to a close and Residence Life is preparing for move out. Residents will move out within 24 hours of their last final. Residence Hall access shuts off at 10:00 am on Thursday, May 12, 2022, for all residential students with the exception of those who will remain on campus, starting in May, through a Summer Housing Contract. Our Summer 2022 residents will remain in their current space until their summer room is prepared when they will move over to their summer 2022 room. We realize that some students have jobs in the community so students do not need to be registered to stay on campus during the summer as long as they are a continuing student for Fall 2022. Please encourage your student to apply for summer housing if they need to stay in the area for classes, work, internships, or other reasons.
By 10:00 am on Thursday, May 12th, students moving out of campus housing for the summer will need to:
- Remove all of their belongings from the room/unit
- Thoroughly clean their room/unit
- Visit their hall lobby office to sign/complete either their Room Condition Sheet or Express Check-Out Envelope
Please email housing@tarleton.edu with any questions about the checkout process and we look forward to a smooth move out experience.
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