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COVID-19 Case Update for Feb. 28-March 6, 2021

As part of Tarleton’s commitment to provide timely information on COVID-19, students and employees will receive weekly updates on new university-related cases.

To protect the privacy of the larger community, federal, state and local public health officials are providing only limited case information. Tarleton has adopted this approach as well to safeguard the physical and mental well-being of those affected by COVID-19.

Eight new positive cases have been reported for the week of Feb. 28-March 6, 2021. To date 863 direct and indirect university-related cases have been reported, with 854 recovered and 9 in isolation.

Members of the campus community are advised to stay at home, self-monitor their health, and seek testing if they experience symptoms associated with COVID-19. Testing for COVID-19 is covered for BlueCross BlueShield of Texas members with no prior authorization needed. While copays, deductibles and co-insurance are waived for those enrolled in the A&M Care Plan, the waiver does not apply to all plans. Check with your plan administrator for details.

For additional information on COVID-19 safety guidelines, symptoms and testing, visit the university’s Roadmap for Spring 2021

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