Tarleton State University understands that family members are invested in their student’s education. We also know that parents offer critical support to encourage student success. To aid family members’ efforts in supporting our students, we want to inform you that parents can request a FERPA waiver for the following pieces of student information:
- Class schedule
- Disciplinary sanctions
- Grade information
- Graduation information
- Account balance/payments due
- Financial aid information
- Holds on account
The Tarleton State University Parent and Family Experience allows you to view Tarleton State news, events, and other content of interest to parents and to your student. Once you have signed in, you can request a FERPA waiver by clicking on the graduation cap icon.
Students will receive an email (at their go.tarleton.edu email account) prompting them to indicate to which components of their student academic and financial record they would like to grant parents access. For those components that your student approves, you will be able to log on to the portal and benefit from the information that the student chooses to share with you. You will also be able to stay up-to-date with what’s going on at Tarleton State (including our social media feeds).
Tarleton State University must adhere to FERPA, the Family Educational Rights Privacy Act, and by law cannot share information about your student’s records with third parties without the student’s consent.
Please note that students can revoke these privileges at any time and that we expect students to directly communicate their business and academic needs with university offices and faculty. Tarleton staff will speak only with students about their academic records regardless of permission given.
We know that parents and family are deeply engaged with their students’ education and we hope that by sharing academic progress, parents and family can support their students in achieving greater academic success.
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